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Refund Policy : All Subscription fees are Non Refundable by Torino international. After a successful payment you will immediately be able to access to our world-class Trainings, Virtual Training, Recommended Practices, membership directory, all discounts on additional courses, and achievement attendance certifications, etc. Therefore, paid fees is presumed used and Not Eligible For Return Or Refund.
CERTIFICATIONS: All certificates issued by Torino International and the re-certification fee includes a professional review of all stages of the application and of all documents to verify the eligibility of the participant. The Torino International will provide an opportunity for candidates to correct or to update their info in applications if the original information is incorrect. It is the Subscriber's responsibility to comply with the dates of meetings and courses in the correct manner and time, and the Subscriber is solely responsible for all information filled out in the application. For these reasons, Torino International has a strict no-refund policy.
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